Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gender Inequality and Family Structure - 800 Words

Gender Inequality and Family Structure Gender is the oldest form of categorization among society. The problem is not that gender is a differentiating category, but that the female gender is exploited through both benevolent and hostile sexism that creates unequal conditions. Given the biology of males and females, physically and neurologically, it is not farfetched to assume that it is natural for men and women to have tendencies associated with different social roles. Attitudes and behaviors shape how people define parental roles and family structure. Family structure is strongly correlated to class and gender inequality (Murray 171). Providing affordable educational opportunities and counseling and welfare programs which hold parents,†¦show more content†¦Looking back, we can see that attitudes change over time based on events and movements. The 1920s saw the peak of the Womens Suffrage movement. Gender equality has made strides in progress over the last century, but the f eminist movement has played out very differently for the diverging classes of America (Massey 237). The problem of gender inequality is perpetuated by the unfair distribution of parenting responsibilities within a significant portion of the population. Attitudes shape everyday decisions and are embedded in policy decisions. Take for example, the former exclusion of married women from the definition of rape. According to this exemption, consent to marry was consent to all future sexual acts with her husband. Today, conformity with such a belief or law is absolutely horrific to conceive. Douglas S. Massey discusses stereotypes of housewives are perceived as warm, or likable, but not competent. On the other hand, career women are perceived as competent, but not likable (216). These attitudes influence womens career decisions based on the need for greater flexibility for the sake of having the greater responsibility of family management and childcare, whether this need is by choice or c ircumstances beyond ones control. Competent women who break through glass ceilings are often stigmatized for their perceived negligence of the roleShow MoreRelatedIn His Account of the Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills (1959) Distinguishes Between ‘Private Troubles’ and ‘Public Issues’. Discuss in Relation to Domestic Violence.746 Words   |  3 Pagescouples in the privacy of their homes and affects the individuals involved personally (Knoblock, 2008). But if we look closer, domestic violence is largely driven by social forces and structures (Furze, Savy, Brym, Lie, 2008). Ideologies and social norms about men and women such as patriarchy and gender inequalities contribute greatly to the occurrence of domestic violence in society. Hence C. 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